Monday, 24 August 2009

the ballad of J&T

awwal shay mubarak 3lekom el shahar 7abaybeee;*** o 3asakom men el 3aydeeen wel fayzeen...I was away for a couple of days so mamedaanii abareklekom bel shahar..sam7ooni 3l eg9ooor in this blog :( adri kelesh mo ma36eta 7agga bas I promise I'll make it up;** and I hope you guys enjoy this post!


A wave of pain hit my chest for a second but I stopped it before it cut my heart slowly. I tried to think of what will happen instead of what would've happen between us if we never broke up. It's not late, yet. He's not married, I'm obviously not either. He still has feelings for me. I'm crazy in love with him and…I need him so much! If I don't see him now I'll …die! Yes, yes! I need to breathe again. I thought.

Two weeks later we met. He was even sexier than I remember. He looked so mature and simply breathtaking in that crisp white Dishdasha. and his scent surprised me. His scent didn't change at all; aprege lanvin with a hint of tobacco.

"I'm turning 31 this week, I should find a wife" he said casually while we sat across each other in his car.

"Yes you should" I agreed.

" kel mrra agool chethy o ba3den a'3ayer rayey, fekrat el zawaj ebkoberha eta3eb!" he sighed.

" hathy sennat el 7ayat" I said jokingly. "o enta mo s'3eer"

"you don’t have to remind me yal s'3eera" he rolled his eyes.

"eskit eskit, I'm six years younger than you! Dad!"

" bas enty eb sen el zawaj, ya3ny ana weyach nafs el 7ala" he shrugged.

" allah kareem, bas ana mo mesta3yela" I said defensively.

" weddy ashtrey sayara yededa" he said cheerfully. He was obviously trying to change the subject. Typical.

"Then do" I said coldly. For some reason he was pissing me off.

"I love speed. It takes my mind of off things" he muttered while staring at my eyes directly.

"Great" I stared back.

"walaht" he said. And suddenly my heart softened and I was no longer angry at him.

"walaht 3laich jana. Ta3abteeni" he sighed.

" tawik etgool? I was around you know"

"matabeeni…you broke up with me, remember?" he stared at me again.

" manesait, latkhaf"

"you suppose to say I miss you too, shay chethy"

"I miss you too, shay chethy!" I said sarcastically.

He chuckled. "Not funny"

"I waited for you" I almost whispered, I didn’t want to be defeated by my emotions.

He extended his hand to reach my hair, and brushed a lock of hair with his fingers swiftly. "jameela" he murmured.

My cheeks turned crimson pink like the shade of my fingernails and words caught up in my throat. I had nothing to say so I stared at his pretty face.

"enty lel7een teste7een?" he teased. "makebartay 3la hal sowalef?"

I chuckled. "ley bacher"

" amooot 3lech" he said.

" I've been in relationships after you, o adri enta ba3ad, bas all I wanted was you"

" I loved someone...but she wasn't you" he admited.

" so you're single now?!" I asked, hoping for a positive answer.

He nodded. " agolech zawjooni etgoleli you're single! ofcourse I'm single"

" and by the way I love your new hair" he added.


Um Mit3ib said...

way i love those 2;/

botroook 7uby il abady ;p
let them get married already bas;hom li3ib !

Pearla said...

why aren't they together .. fi more posts about them :D ?

Dreamer;* said...

ma 3endy 7achy agoula ghair .. i second um mit3ib :P

Cooookies said...

magool ellah malat !! the fact that this is sad makes it very realistic !!

Wafa J said...

* heart melts *

I loved this post and the finishing line somehow was my favourite.

I've always been amazed by how someone can say the littlest thing and yet it still has the ability to make your day.

Ramadan Kareem :*

You need to be posting more often, I haven't been checking my blogger lately since there haven't been many posts to look forward to.

Post soon,


KWA;* said...

that was amazing....oo 7addaa realistic!!! nother 1??? :P

Hend said...

a7bhom i need more of them although i hate how hesitant terky about her is !

Anonymous said...

7bich ou a7b il post xD

Anonymous said...

THAAAAAAAANK YOOOOOU!!!!! i've been waiting SO long for this :D! bs 3ad let them get married bil next post plz!!!!

moi said...

um mit3ib: loool ur so in luv with him:p...yes 3la goltech bas'hom li3ib! theyre engaged already;p!

pearla:€ yes yes enshallaa

dreamer: ;p

cooookies: yeah:/

starlight: i miss youuuuuu girl;**, wainich!! enshallaaa i will;*

choco loco: sure;*

hend: e7er 9a7?!:/ but he's still adorable;p

anon: 7abetech el 3afiaa 7ayatii;*

anon: sooon enshallah :)

Anony said...

zawjoooooooooooooooooooooohom !!!

ya5tee a7ebhom hal athnaain !!

Anony said...

tawni agra ur comment @@




ayabeb ??






3alaw galbna yalla khatahw ba3ad :@ wala lo mo makhtheeb ba3ath chan khatheet'hom yakhthon ba3ath ghaseb :@

waay waaaaaaaaaaay waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ya far7aat galbech ya anony !!!!


7asha chene om el 3arosa mo a compleet stranger :P

bs ham ya far7aat galbech ya anony :D




allah ytamem 3aleeehom yaraab o yas3edhom :D

waaay waaay latsofeeni wayhee shaga el tha7ka o my heart is betaing chena ana el 3aroosa !!!


walla men sijii wanasa :D

allah ytamem allah ytamem :D

Person said...

3indi su2al waaaayed muhim @@

fahad shino 9ar 3alaih?? =$

i7im *cough* single *cough* i7im??
la la *becomes tikana* sij walla where is he in life now bas ya3ni intreseted nothing more nothing less
cross my heart!! =p

did u buy it? l2na i didnt *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Mbarak 3alaich ilshahar hun ;**

Um Mit3ib said...




la malat 3ala turkiiii
wela 3alaa omaaaa
welaaa 3alaa ekhtaaaaa
wela 3alaaa mortaaa
alf asalee wasalaamm 3alaiiik ya 7abeeebb alaaaaaaaaaaaahh mo7amaaaaaddd


Single said...

who knew they'd be back. both jena and the story. wulla i miss them.

Lulwa said...

3alaina o 3alaich 7bebty


waaaaaaaanaaasah, u just made my day ;D

Allah yewafeghom yarab , bas 7asaffa moi 7aragtay el suspense 3alaina :P


can't wait 4 the next post :**

fatima said...

aaaah gaaalbii
gaaalbii bamoooot!!!!

are they really engaged by now???
plz say yes!! OMG :s

allah ysahel 3alaihm oe ywafghm oe ys3dhom
:( i love them

Ruby Woo said...

tawni astaw3ib hal athnain min ur previous story. Ishawgooooon!

moi said...

anony&um mit3ib: LOOOOL w7da 9airatly om jana welthania om terki:p hahaa eee wa2akheraan!

person: looool lo e9er chan dallaitech 3leh:p

even sweeter: 3lena o 3lech hun;$ adre 7ddy late!

single: aww :)

lulwa: lool i know i did;$ i'll post about 'em soon ensha2allah :)

fatima: hehe esmilla 3la galbich! enshallaa alla yesma3 menech;*

ruby woo: ee ehablon ;*